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Earn Money Fast in Red Dead Online This Holiday Season

Earn Money Fast in Red Dead Online This Holiday Season

Alongside the countless story missions available—both in the single-player campaign and in Red Dead Online—the multiplayer mode features countless ways to earn decent money fast. You could, for instance, sift through treasure maps, take part in free roam events, earn money by completing daily challenges, take on the trader role, do delivery missions, and overall maximize efficiency to earn quick money to beat the vast majority of players economically.

Go Treasure Hunting

If you’d rather not get your hands dirty as a lawless gunslinger in the Wild West or don’t feel like taking part in the often-lengthy story missions of Red Dead Online, then consider locating treasure maps and becoming a defacto treasure hunter instead!

You can earn treasure maps in several ways, such as:

  • Leveling Up — Rockstar Games is kind enough to provide the occasional map when you level up. More specifically, every five levels. The maps are in the camp lockbox or at the local post office.
  • Gang Hideout Challenges — If you finish off a gang hideout in Red Dead Online, you can earn a map by taking down the boss or via a lock box at the very end of the missions.
  • Outlaw Passes — If you pay for one of the Outlaw Passes in Red Dead Online, you’ll occasionally receive maps via the Benefits page.
  • Posted on Trees — While exploring the world in free roam, you may stumble upon treasure maps stuck to various trees. The tree in question will appear illuminated, and you can snag the map and find the treasure chests for yourself.
  • Treasure Hunters — Scattered about the world of Red Dead Online, you’ll stumble upon other treasure hunters. These NPCs are out there earning money, sometimes very good money, and they’ll sell you a map for a few dollars. Or, you could take it at gunpoint! After all, the in-game economy works at the end of a barrel sometimes.

While perhaps not the fastest way to earn money in Red Dead Online, becoming a treasure hunter can be fantastic fun, especially from a role-play perspective.

Become a Bounty Hunter

One of the most lucrative and enjoyable ways to make money in Red Dead Online is by tackling the bounty hunter role. You can earn decent money in Red Dead Online by taking on bounty-hunting missions posted throughout the massive game world. You’ll track down targets and can even earn weekly bonuses to earn the most money.

It’s simple! Alongside tracking down bounties, including legendary bounties, you can earn higher rewards by looting fallen enemies to make more money faster. Then, you can buy something powerful, like a bolt action rifle. With the said rifle, you can snipe your bounty and their bodyguards from afar before moving in to loot.

Speaking of legendary bounties, numerous story missions are associated with the bounty hunter role in Red Dead Online.

But first, you’ll have to pick up the Bounty Hunter License in Rhodes. The usual cost for the role is 15 Gold Bars, though various promotions may discount the total price in Red Dead Online. Then, you can tackle bounty-hunting missions from various Bounty Posters scattered about the game world, all of which will earn you money, gold, and experience.

Then, if you want to acquire the Prestigious Bounty Hunter License to tackle new ranks and acquire high-level items, and new skills, you’ll have to pay 30 Gold Bars. This license will also unlock Infamous Bounty Targets, which prove more lucrative overall.

Loot Gang Hideouts

There are various rewards for completing gang hideout missions in Red Dead Redemption 2, especially if your goal is to earn huge amounts of cash. Most hideouts are completely manageable solo, meaning you can earn money through bounty hunting, then buy a few powerful weapons and clear hideouts with ease.

Once all is said and done, you can scoop up the cash from the fallen bodies and perhaps even complete a few daily challenges for taking down foes along the way.

What’s the best way to take down a hideout, you ask? Personally, I would recommend utilizing a strong weapon like the repeater. It offers an excellent range advantage along with a high rate of fire to take down numerous foes without putting yourself in harm’s way.

Furthermore, each time you complete a hideout, you’ll earn a treasure map from the camp’s leader. The treasure map will spawn either on the corpse of the fallen commander or via a nearby lockbox, which usually contains some cash, too.

Play Free Roam Events and Missions

As a multiplayer open world, Red Dead Online features countless free-roam events, and the occasional story mission, to help players earn money fast. If making money is the end goal, then why not have fun along the way by taking part in, say, the Showdown Series or horse races event?

You can quick join free-roam events throughout the game to earn money fast in Red Dead Online.

If you’re a new player to Red Dead Online, then the Rockstar-hosted events can be quite lucrative. These often weekly events usually offer double money and gold for Free Roam Events, with rewards handed out for completing specific challenges.

If you play online in a party, then tackling missions and events together is the easiest way to earn money quickly in Red Dead Online. It’s also a lot more enjoyable than tracking and killing NPCs to sell their meager inventories to the traders.

Take On a Player Role

Along with the Bounty Hunter role is the Specialist Role, Naturalist Role, and Moonshiner Role. These unique in-game roles in Red Dead Online can help you earn a gold bar now and then, pick up raw materials to sell, acquire a fishing rod to catch lucrative trout and other wildlife, and gain a reasonable amount of cash in the game.

Of the three previously mentioned roles, the Moonshiner Role proves most effective at earning cash in-game. It does take some start-up, however, as you’ll have to complete a story mission or two, along with opening the business and acquiring supplies.

To make the best moonshine, you’ll have to pay upfront. Once you do, that little shack will begin to earn cash fast in Red Dead Online. Along with crafting moonshine, you’ll also take part in Bootlegger Missions, which will reduce the cost of production overall. But in doing so, you will contend with other players. Someone could easily grief your efforts. Or, you could pay out of pocket, though doing so will eat away at your profits.

Furthermore, invest in the upgrades! More potent moonshine will earn you more money per sale.
